Charles Pointe to be official fireworks sponsor for Bridgeport's National Night Out celebration

Bridgeport, WV. The Bridgeport Police Department has announced that the city will participate again this year in the National Night Out celebration. This year's event will be held at The Bridge Sports & Recreation Complex at Charles Pointe on Tuesday, August 1st.

National Night Out is an initiative designed to enhance the relationship between the community and local law enforcement throughout the nation. The outdoor event provides the Bridgeport Police Department with a great opportunity to bring police officers and neighbors together under positive circumstances. This is the 40th anniversary of National Night Out which is held the first Tuesday of August.

Bridgeport's celebration will begin at 6:00pm. In the past, more than 2,000 people have attended the event. According to Bridgeport Police Chief Mark Rogers, there will be lots of vendors, displays, and fun activities for the kids as well as free food, drinks, door prizes, and entertainment.

The National Night Out celebration will conclude with a fireworks show sponsored by Genesis Partners, the developers of Charles Pointe.

"We are always proud to support the Bridgeport Police Department and their National Night Out celebration," said Jamie Corton of Genesis Partners, the developer of Charles Pointe. "This is a great event for our community and one that brings our law enforcement officers and citizens together in a positive and fun atmosphere."

The Bridgeport Police Department's National Night Out celebration is open to the public. There is no cost to attend the event and there is plenty of free and convenient parking.

{Left to Right: Mark Dellana, Executive Director of Development; Jamie Corton, Managing Partner of Genesis Partners; Bridgeport Police Chief Mark Rogers; Dee Johnson, Director of Sales, Charles Pointe Hospitality; and Steve Ludwig, Director of Charles Pointe Hospitality}